New Buttercream Cupcakes

This blog isn’t about a full recipe – it is to tell you about an amazing new buttercream I found on Youtube! We wanted to make our buttercream perfect: silky, white and light.

Simple cupcakes:

First, I made a simple bun recipe, just adding in small marshmallows. They created crystallised sugar on the outside that tasted great.


*NEW* Buttercream:

Take a look at the buttercream I made! It was really light and fluffy. It wasn’t claggy in your mouth. Also, it felt like you were eating a sugary cloud!

Cupcake 1

‘Cupcake Jemma’

You can watch this video to see how you make it. There are quite a few steps, but the slower you go, the better it turns out. Cupcake Jemma is really recommended!

The finished product:

It was the perfect treat for Mother’s Day. We chose chopped hazelnuts for half of the buns. Then for the other half we used more small marshmallows (around four because you don’t want too many).

My brother did help me ice them. We used a proper piping bag to decorate the amazing buttercream icing. We have some buttercream stashed in the freezer for later!

Freya :o)